Data Management & Asset Control

CloudHSI is a secure platform accessible from any web-based enabled device. CloudHSI tracks real-time data and stores historical data for custom reporting and analysis. Our platforms are currently monitoring pH, dissolved oxygen, equipment run times, conductivity, level-sensing, flow data (pulse & flow rate), device power feedback functionality, pH adjustment systems, cooling water and process control systems, surface and groundwater parameters, and much more.

CloudHSI has the functionality to incorporate analog and digital signals from any system or device. Alarms and notifications can be sent to the client via text message and email, all completely configurable. This ensures that stakeholders stay informed regarding changing conditions at their facility.

Each client is provided a unique and secure login to our site which allows them the ability to view real-time data anytime, any day, and anywhere. All  that is needed is web access, which enables them to have the ability to check their assets.